Adapteva’s $100 Parallella Supercomputer Platform Now Shipping
(EE TIMES): A new $100 supercomputer will facilitate a wealth of compute-intensive applications for medical, automotive, and industrial control, machine...
(EE TIMES): A new $100 supercomputer will facilitate a wealth of compute-intensive applications for medical, automotive, and industrial control, machine...
(GEEK): Kickstarter has been used to fund a lot of products with questionable real life utility, but the Parallella supercomputer...
(FASTCOMPANY): In October 2012 the Parallella project ended its Kickstarter campaign, having easily surpassed its funding goal of $750,000. Unlike...
(CNX-SOFTWARE): Parallella is a low cost supercomputer designed by Adapteva using Xilinx Zynq-7010/7020 FPGA+2x Cortex A9 SoC combined with Adapteva...
( Parallel computing is at least part of the future of computing. When even fairly low-end phones have multiple cores,...
(HARDWARE.NO): På nettstedet Kickstarter, hvor entreprenører kan be om finansiering fra publikum, dukker det med ujevne mellomrom opp prosjekter som...
(DESIGNSPARK): There has been a great deal of progress since I last wrote about Parallella back in January, and what...
(HPCWIRE): Last week, Adapteva revealed the first production units of its $99 Linux “supercomputer.” Speaking at the Linux Collaboration Summit...
Big data requires big processing, but can our current pace keep up with the processing demands of the future? Perhaps...
(GEEK): Cheap, tiny, underpowered computers are becoming a hot new trend in the computing world ever since the $25 and...
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