Posts by admin

Adapteva Demos 100Gflops

Adapteva Demos 100Gflops

(THE LINLEY GROUP): IP vendor Adapteva has received samples of its Epiphany-IV chip, demonstrating that its unique floating-point accelerator can...

This supercomputing board can be yours for $99. Here’s how

This supercomputing board can be yours for $99. Here’s how

(THE REGISTER): Adapteva, an upstart RISC processor and co-processor designer that has tried to break into the big-time with its...

Adapteva Kickstarts credit card-sized supercomputer project

Adapteva Kickstarts credit card-sized supercomputer project

(EMBEDDED) Adapteva, a semiconductor start-up company has just initiated the crowd-funded Parallella Kickstarter project  to build an open and affordable...

Insert Coin: The Parallella project dreams of $99 supercomputers

Insert Coin: The Parallella project dreams of $99 supercomputers

(ENGADGET): Parallel computing is normally reserved for supercomputers way out of the reach of average users — at least at...

Adapteva announces Raspberry Pi competitor

Adapteva announces Raspberry Pi competitor

(LINUX USER): Semiconductor start-up Adapteva has announced plans to create an open-source experimentation board with a massive amount of parallel...

Adapteva Launches Crowd-Source Funding for Its Floating Point Accelerator

Adapteva Launches Crowd-Source Funding for Its Floating Point Accelerator

(HPCWIRE): Chipmaker Adapteva is attempting to bypass the conventional venture capital funding route and collect money via a micro-investor platform...

Spurned by VCs, a Chip Startup Turns to Kickstarter

Spurned by VCs, a Chip Startup Turns to Kickstarter

(GIGAOM): Andreas Olofsson, the founder and chief executive of Adapteva, had a problem. He had built a computer chip that...

$99 Raspberry Pi-sized “supercomputer” touted in Kickstarter project

$99 Raspberry Pi-sized “supercomputer” touted in Kickstarter project

 (ARSTECHNICA): Raspberry Pi-sized board called Parallella puts supercomputing power into a $99 package. Chipmaker Adapteva wants to make parallel computing...

Adapteva uses crowdfunding to raise money for a $99 supercomputing platform

Adapteva uses crowdfunding to raise money for a $99 supercomputing platform

(VENTUREBEAT):  Adapteva is launching a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter so that it can create a $99 supercomputer for the masses....

Ten Challenges that Will Shape the Future of Computing

Ten Challenges that Will Shape the Future of Computing

Introduction There is no doubt that the present and future of computing is parallel. This article looks at some of...