Posts by admin

Adapteva, an epiphany in more ways than one

Adapteva, an epiphany in more ways than one

(Chip Crunch): When discussing companies developing many-core processors, as opposed to multi-core processors, several companies come to mind. On the...

Adapteva believes high-performance computing is ready for an Epiphany

Adapteva believes high-performance computing is ready for an Epiphany

(The 451 Group): Our recent report on Adapteva introduced the company and its technology approach; here we focus on the...

The Best Digital Technology Comes In Small Packages

The Best Digital Technology Comes In Small Packages

(Electronic Design): Adapteva’s 65-nm E16G301 Anemone Epiphany has 16 nodes that are only 0.5 mm2 (Fig. 2). This means the...

Adapteva Uses Magma’s RTL-to-GDSII Flow to Tape Out a 28-nm 64-Core Microprocessor Chip

Adapteva Uses Magma’s RTL-to-GDSII Flow to Tape Out a 28-nm 64-Core Microprocessor Chip

(GLOBE NEWSWIRE):  SAN JOSE, Calif., Nov. 10, 2011 — Magma Design Automation Inc. (Nasdaq:LAVA), a provider of chip design software,...

Adapteva Saves Tablet Power

Adapteva Saves Tablet Power

(Forbes): If you’ve ever used a tablet or smart phone, you know how annoying it is when the device runs...

Drive for Inovation Stops by at Adapteva headquarters in Lexington (Video)

Drive for Inovation Stops by at Adapteva headquarters in Lexington (Video)

(EE Times): Brian Fuller, Editor at EETimes stopped by Adapteva’s headquarters in Lexington to interview the team.  It was later...

Adapteva’s Epiphany Hopes to Bring Back the Math Coprocessor

Adapteva’s Epiphany Hopes to Bring Back the Math Coprocessor

(WIRED): Rarely have I seen a journalism fail like that surrounding the launch of Adapteva’s Epiphany IV tile-based coprocessor. I...

Adapteva CEO responds to article skepticism

Adapteva CEO responds to article skepticism

(WIRED): Andreas Olofsson was kind enough to respond to some of the questions and criticisms I raised in my piece...

How long until clouds adopt extrement computing chips?

How long until clouds adopt extrement computing chips?

(GIGAOM): Both mobile and high-performance computing are placing huge power efficiency and performance demands on chips, but the $64,000-question is...

This Crazy 64-Core Processor Wants to Be in Your Smartphone

This Crazy 64-Core Processor Wants to Be in Your Smartphone

(GIZMODO): Chip company Adapteva has a crazy notion: Let’s turn our smartphones into veritable supercomputers. And the way to do...