Posts by admin

Kraftfull och energisnål … Adapteva siktar på både smartphones och superdatorer

Kraftfull och energisnål … Adapteva siktar på både smartphones och superdatorer

(Halmstad Högskola): Andreas Olofsson är svensken som bygger nästa generation processorchip i USA. I det nystartade företaget Adapteva utvecklar han...

Adapteva close to sampling 28-nm 64-core coprocessor

Adapteva close to sampling 28-nm 64-core coprocessor

(EE Times): Adapteva Inc. (Lexington, Mass.), a small and lean fabless startup that has developed a series of multicore floating-point...

Adapteva’s lean semiconductor business model showcased on the GSA Forum

Adapteva’s lean semiconductor business model showcased on the GSA Forum

(GSA): There is currently a general consensus among industry analysts, investors and company executives that leading-edge digital chip development projects...

EEHPC today: Introduction to Adapteva Epiphany and AMD Zacate

EEHPC today: Introduction to Adapteva Epiphany and AMD Zacate

(Boston Linux User Group): Andreas Olofsson from Adapteva discusses the recent release of their new Epiphany IV energy efficient multi-core...

Jeremy Bennett, CEO, Embecosm

Jeremy Bennett, CEO, Embecosm

“Adapteva’s Epiphany processor demonstrates how a small number of well designed instructions can work efficiently with GCC, making it the...

Mikael Taveniku, CEO Xcube

Mikael Taveniku, CEO Xcube

“High performance embedded computing is naturally split into high throughput front end processing tasks and high complexity back end processing...

Adapteva, an epiphany in more ways than one

Adapteva, an epiphany in more ways than one

(Chip Crunch): When discussing companies developing many-core processors, as opposed to multi-core processors, several companies come to mind. On the...

Adapteva believes high-performance computing is ready for an Epiphany

Adapteva believes high-performance computing is ready for an Epiphany

(The 451 Group): Our recent report on Adapteva introduced the company and its technology approach; here we focus on the...

The Best Digital Technology Comes In Small Packages

The Best Digital Technology Comes In Small Packages

(Electronic Design): Adapteva’s 65-nm E16G301 Anemone Epiphany has 16 nodes that are only 0.5 mm2 (Fig. 2). This means the...

Adapteva Uses Magma’s RTL-to-GDSII Flow to Tape Out a 28-nm 64-Core Microprocessor Chip

Adapteva Uses Magma’s RTL-to-GDSII Flow to Tape Out a 28-nm 64-Core Microprocessor Chip

(GLOBE NEWSWIRE):  SAN JOSE, Calif., Nov. 10, 2011 — Magma Design Automation Inc. (Nasdaq:LAVA), a provider of chip design software,...